When you begin in a skinsuit at birth, you recognize that you are here for the long-haul, and you also know nothing other than what you know in that moment. Some of you were born with more knowing than others, but as a whole, your memory is wiped clean. The purpose and objective of this life’s incarnation is to teach you how to become the most flavorful and sassy and playful and curious and content and frustrated and expansive and restrictive person. There is no singular purpose. You are meant to ebb and flow within your life‘s objective. Recognizing that you are meant to be a flawed human being, and to embrace that fully while trying to be the kindest version of yourself can be challenging and in conflict with itself. And you can feel the conflict when you are pulled into different directions. Just honor that and allow that to be. It is called diunital, which is where two things can be true and also be mutually exclusive. Allowing the universe to teach you that the shadow is as good as the light, it’s a gift.
So simply embrace what feels like chaos on some days, and the pleasurable peace that you experience on other days, trusting that they both are the best possible experiences that you can produce, as you write, direct, and act in this movie called Your Life. It all has significance, has purpose, as anyone who has been involved in a movie production will tell you. Everything is incorporated with great intentionality and purpose. Trust that your spirit team is just as creative and purposeful as it creates this experience that you are currently working your way through.
And so it is. Mama stay!
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏