Inspiring Illumination From Within

Hi, my name is Kati (pronounced Kahti), and I would describe myself as a medium and channel.
My life’s purpose is to inspire illumination from within, meaning that spirit works through me to assist you in connecting to your own divine essence.
I was initiated through a kundalini awakening in September 2012. Since then, my gifts and abilities to connect to and with the divine have been increasingly coming in and I am now being asked to share spirit's information with others. Spirit channels directly through me so the information transmitted is directly from them and not from me. It is ultimately up to you to find any hidden message within their words.
The primary way that spirit works through me is by providing an individual with their current life lesson, meaning that you receive a message about where you are on your soul's desired path, where you are currently stuck, and how you can best connect with your own soul's wishes for your life going forward. Spirit also answers direct questions from you.
I reside in Santa Fe, New Mexico so my time zone is Mountain. Please convert the available offered times into your own local time zone.
* Inspiring Illumination from Within © *
Spirit-inspired essential oil blends designed to bring balance to your body, mind and spirit.
Each Firefly Energy item is hand-crafted with love: Each item is infused with a vibration intended to support your unique wellness needs.
Firefly Energy is all about collaboration, not competition, trusting that there is always enough to go around.